Christine Christine

Yoga Calm

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All of our teachers are trained in the Yoga Calm curriculum to teach mindfulness, yoga and social/emotional skills:

  • Reduce stress, self-nurture, and regulate emotions

  • Reinforce student-engagement, intrinsic motivation and positive school climate

  • Strengthen empathy, reinforce student caring and lessen bullying

  • Employ brain-friendly strategies to advance student achievement

  • Enhance communication, trust, teamwork and leadership skills

  • Strengthen the brain's executive function to develop attention, higher-order processing. cognitive flexibility and creative problem-solving

  • Help with anxiety, trauma, sensory integration, ADHD and autism

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Christine Christine


SEEDS Curriculum

Our preschool teachers are trained in implementing the SEEDS approach to curriculum and instruction into their daily practice.

SEEDS is an educational model based on the idea that school readiness is more than just memorizing letters and learning their sounds.  It’s about the interactions that develop between  children and adults.

When those relationships are nurtured and supported during the earliest years of a child’s life, the seeds of learning are sown and school readiness ensured. 

In addition to the relationship-based training, teachers, receive explicit instruction about monitoring the progress of the children in their care. The data collection methods taught in SEEDS ensures that teachers are able to tailor their interactions with the children based on the child's developmental stages.

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Christine Christine

Creative Curriculum

Lexington Kids implements Creative Curriculum® as a whole child approach to early learning. Through our daily curriculum, children develop not only math and literacy skills but also the social-emotional, physical, and cognitive skills necessary to communicate, think both critically and creatively, and solve complex problems. 

The Creative Curriculum® for preschool is a comprehensive, research-based curriculum that promotes exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking skills.

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